
Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Life is not a series of perfect days...

I've been thinking about the "ebb and flow" of life ever since I listened to a podcast on The Chalene Show with guest Rachel Cruze. The daughter of Dave Ramsey talked about setting up guidelines that help raise kids to be aware of money and learn how to use it well. When Chalene asked whether giving (or tithing) EVERY week was essential, Rachel said she 'felt' like she had done it consistently, but in the ebb and flow of life she was sure it didn't happen every week. But that's not what's important.

Life gets in the way...

This made me think about healthy eating and exercise and how, no matter how much I plan, things always happen. Something hurts and you can't do the workout you planned, or you end up going out to dinner and can't eat what you prepared or planned to eat. Is that it? I'm a failure....I can't be a fit and healthy person because every day is not perfect. So not true! I remember when I was doing 60 days of PiYo...I fought so hard to eat well and never miss a workout, but then came Thanksgiving and yummy food....I got a cold....but I got back to it. No success, right? Wrong! I lost 5 lb. and 8 inches at the end of those 60 days!!

What mattered was what I did consistently, not occasionally.

What are a few consistent behaviors that can get you where you want to be?
  1. Eat clean, whole foods most of the time (80%)
  2. Exercise consistently. This could mean 2 days a week or 7 days a week, as long as there is a consistent pattern. 
  3. Sleep enough! (This is WAY more important than you think)
  4. Drink at least half your weight in ounces of water. Your body needs water to flush out toxins and help you digest what you eat.

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